This page is the go-to authority for the most up-to-date news and other information regarding Andrew and Tristan Tate’s American civil lawsuit, filed in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for Palm Beach County, Florida, on July 12, 2023.
[Press Release]
(NEW YORK, NY, July 19, 2023) Targeted for cancellation for their message of male empowerment and currently under house arrest in Romania due to false allegations of human trafficking, Andrew & Tristan Tate have secured New York City’s hard-hitting McBride Law Firm and Florida Attorney Thomas Maniotis to clear their good names.
Andrew and Tristan Tate are business moguls, thought leaders, motivational speakers, and once-in-a-lifetime social media influencers. Their ability to work, advise, generate income, and maintain and develop business relationships depends on their reputation and ability to travel. Before being wrongfully targeted and imprisoned, their core message of self-improvement and returning to traditional masculinity became a global phenomenon. They consulted, advised, and earned income from multiple business ventures, generating revenues estimated in hundreds of millions of dollars.
It is for this reason that on July 13, 2023, we filed a complaint for damages exceeding $5,000,000.00 for defamation, defamation per se, commercial defamation, false imprisonment, tortious interference of a business relationship, civil conspiracy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent infliction of emotional distress in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit for Palm Beach County, Florida, on July 12, 2023.
The lawsuit centers on a woman with a notorious track record of lying under oath and using laws designed to shield women from harm as a sword to harm men. A woman accused of manipulating, blackmailing, and extorting well-intentioned men who targeted Andrew and Tristan Tate and then attempted to destroy their lives with a series of insidious allegations after they proved too difficult of a mark. Lies that have wrongfully imprisoned them for months.
The Tate Brothers are American Citizens entitled to rights and protections under the United States Constitution, including the right to sue in court in response to wrongful harm resulting in damages. Because the potential for the statute of limitations to expire is present, and there is a substantial likelihood that the injury against them will be repeated, the Tate Brothers have decided to sue to clear their names and cure this grave miscarriage of justice.
Andrew and Tristan Tate believe that human trafficking is a serious crime that should never be taken lightly and lament that this reprehensible scapegoating trivializes the plight of actual human trafficking victims. We encourage lawmakers, potential allies, and even Tate detractors to keep an open mind when reading the complaint and examining the corresponding exhibits in this case. Consider your dads, husbands, brothers, and uncles who, while maybe not politically correct, are some of the best people in your life. And then ask yourselves: would you want justice if they were falsely accused of human trafficking?
Joseph McBride is a battle-tested criminal defense and civil rights attorney from New York City. McBride has outspokenly criticized the DOJ’s prosecution of January 6th Detainees and freed many of them from pretrial detention. He is leading a campaign on Capitol Hill to educate lawmakers regarding prisoners' rights, including banning prolonged solitary confinement in all United States prisons. He can be found across all social media platforms @McBrideLawNYC.
​Thomas Maniotis is an experienced South Florida Attorney whose primary practice areas are corporate law, business law, and torts. Maniotis also represents multiple other victims whose lives have been adversely affected by the Defendant.
Find updates and filings at www.mcbridelawnyc.com
Help Andrew & Tristan Tate at: www.freetate.org
Email: tatelegal@mcbridelawnyc.com
Mail: P.O Box 160296, Brooklyn, NY 1121
This page will be updated periodically to reflect the latest developments in the case.
Email: TateLegal@mcbridelawnyc.com
Phone: (917) 757-9537